Jade Jørgen Sandstedt, the new Robins Prize winner
The AMC is delighted to announce that the Centre’s current McIntosh-Patterson PhD scholar, Jade Jørgen Sandstedt, has been awarded the Philological Society of Great Britain’s prestigious R. H. Robins student Prize. The Prize is awarded annually to the best submitted article on a linguistic topic that falls within the area of the Society’s interests (broadly historical linguistics and philology).
Aside from a £500 cash prize, Jade will be given the opportunity to publish his paper, Transparency and blocking in Old Norwegian height harmony, in the Transactions of the Philological Society (the Society’s high-impact journal). Using phonological feature theory to reevaluate the philological evidence, Jade’s article presents a novel analysis of underdescribed Old Norwegian vowel-harmony patterns. Following the appropriate peer-review process the study should be in print and online by the end of the year.
Congratulations, Jade!