
The AMC has hosted a number of researchers since its founding in 2014, either as staff on AMC-based grants or as visiting scholars. Here are some of them.

Past AMC Researchers

2014-2021 Dr Benjamin Molineaux
Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship grant
"Digital methods in New World language change: Words and Sounds in older Mapudungun" and RA on the AHRC grant "From Inglis to Scots (FITS)"

Ben is now a Lecturer in Linguistics here at Edinburgh.
2017-2020 Dr Alpo Honkapohja
"A Corpus Approach to Manuscript Abbreviations"
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) grant
Research Assistant on the AMC's FITS Project

Alpo is now Lecturer in English at Tallin University
2017-2019 Dr Rafaella Baechler
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) grant
"Exaptation in the nominal inflection of early Middle English"
2017-2018Dr Mayumi Sawada
Visiting Researcher
Aichi Gakuin University (Japan)
2014-2017Dr Joanna Kopaczyk
Research Assistant on the AMC's FITS Project
Joanna is currently Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics in the School of Critical Studies, The University of Glasgow

For graduate students that have been hosted at the AMC, see Students.