
Recent beneficiaries of the AMC-administered awards are detailed below.

Undergraduate Awards:

 Ailie Donald Prize 
2021/2022Isaac Yip
2020/2021Michael GoesslerScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2019/2020Cliodhna HughesScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2018/2019Priscilla LamScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2016/2017Maria EvjenScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
 The Angus McIntosh Prize 
2021/2022Cliodhna Hughes
2020/2021This year's prize went to Katie Goddard. Her thesis was also awarded one of this year's LAGB Outstanding Undergraduate Dissertation in Linguistics prizes.
Amazing work, Katie!
2019/2020The prize was co-awarded to Yuqi Qin for his dissertation "Preparatory Tongue Movement for the Articulation of the Word ‘yeah’" and to Hannah Fern for "The Impact of Autism-Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Cognitive Deficits and Abilities on Perspective-Taking and Pragmatic Reasoning during Referential Communication"

Congratulation to both!
2018/2019The prize was co-awarded to Rebecka Elm for her outstanding dissertation "The diachronic development of substitutive ᴅᴏ in Old to Middle French and Middle English: A comparative study using parsed corpora".

Rebecka's work also received the LAGB Outstanding Undergraduate Dissertation Prize

Well done, Rebecka!
2018/2019The prize was co-awarded to Nina Markl for her excellent dissertation, entitled "“It’s just a different kind of life up there. Like, they’re nice but it’s not [hom].” A sociophonetic study of FACE and GOAT in Leith."

Congratulations, Nina!
2017/2018The prize was awarded to Alex Kalomoiros for his outstanding dissertation entitled "A Semantic Analysis of the Inclusive Plural in English".

Congratulations, Alex!
2016/2017The 2016/17 Angus McIntosh Prize was awarded to Rose Woolhouse.

Her dissertation was on "Pragmatics, Prosody and Pronoun Interpretations in L1 and L2 Speakers of English".
Congratulations, Rose!
2015/2016The receipient of the 2015/16 Angus McIntosh Prize for the best Honours dissertation in Linguistics and English Language is Ms. Meira Kalasegaran.

The title of the successful paper is 'Cross-linguistic influence in simultaneous bilingual acquisition of tense: the effects of Chinese and Tamil'

Well done, Meira!
Meira Photo
2014/2015The winner of the inaugural Prize is Asha Stewart. Her prize-winning dissertation, entitled 'Accounting for the emergence of referentiality from musical protolanguage: a role for cultural evolution', can be accessed here.

Congratulations to Asha for this truly outstanding piece of scholarship.
 The Patterson Prize 
2016/2017Alex KalomoirosScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2015/2016Maria KrümpelmannScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2014/2015Josua DahmenScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
 The Derek Britton Scholarship (now closed) 
2016/2017Matthew SungScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2015/2016Amy MartinScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2014/2015Rosanna BurtonScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
2013/2014Yova KementchdjhievaScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15

Graduate Awards:

 The Ailie Donald Msc. Scholarship 
2016Ivaylo YoumerskiScreen Shot 2015-12-11 at 12.55.15
 The McIntosh-Patterson PhD Studentship  
2021-2024The third 'Mac-Pat' scholar is Ina Mangold.
Find out more about her and her project here.
Ina Mangold
2019/2022The second beneficiary is Sarah van Eyndhoven.
Find more information on her background and project here.
2015/2018The first studentship was awarded to Jade Sandsted.
Find more information on his background and project here.