Monday Talks:
10:00 — Claire Bowern (Yale): Exploring contact-induced stability in Australian phonology
11:30 — Nikolas Gisborne (Edinburgh): Contact as an Explanation of the Spread of wh-Relatives
12:00 — Livio Gaeta (Torino): What happened to Töitschu? Language Contact and Change in Alpine Linguistic Islands
14:00 — Elisa Migliaretti (UCLA): A Failed Borrowing Process: The Case of Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds in Latin
14:30 — Marc Pierce & Hans C. Boas (UT Austin): Evaluating the (Possible) Creole Status of Texas German
15:00 — Piero Visconte & Gilly Marchini (UT Austin & Edinburgh): Contact and Language Change in the Afro-Hispanic Varieties of the Americas: Evidence from Puerto Rico and Mexico
16:00 — Melissa Farasyn (Gent): Contact-Induced Verb Third (or Later) in French Flemish
16:30 — Tobias Frick & Guido Seiler (Zürick): Case Reduction the Nonsectarian and the Sectarian Way
17:00 — Pavel Iosad (Edinburgh): In search of (lost?) contact-induced change in phonology
Tuesday Talks:
9:30 — Shana Poplack (Ottawa): Language contact and language change: a (variationist) view from the ground
10:30 — András Cser (1,2), Beatrix Oszkó (1,3) & Zsuzsa Várnai (1) ((1)HUN-REN Hungarian Reseach Centre for Linguistics, (2) Pázmány Péter Catholic University, (3) University of Novi Sad): Convergent Vowel Length Changes in Old Hungarian and the Central European Linguistic Area
14:00 — Merja Stenroos (Stavanger): How Can We Tell: Contact-Based Explanations and the ‘Second-Fronting’
14:30 — Julia Fernández-Cuesta (Seville): Verbal Morphosyntax in the Northumbrian Section of the Gloss to the Macregol Gospels (Rushworth2)
15:00 — Ans van Kemenade (Radboud): Multilingualism and Syntactic Change in English 1400-1700
16:00 — Benjamin Molineaux, Vasilis Karaiskos & Warren Maguire (Edinburgh): Digital Resources at the Angus McIntosh Centre for Historical Linguistics: Past, Present and future
16:30 — John Kirk (Vienna): Contact and Language Change in the Digitalised Lexical Atlas of Scotland
17:00 — George Walkden (Konstanz): Adult language acquisition and syntactic change
Wednesday Talks:
9:00 — Kaius Sinnemäki (Helsinki): Linguistic convergence in contact ecologies: A typological approach
10:00 — Sandra Auderset (Bern): Inheritance and Contact in the Mixteca Baja
10:30 — Nigel Vincent & Kersti Börjars (Manchester & St Catherine’s College Oxford): Verbal Deixis in Diachrony: Evidence from Romance and Germanic
11:30 — Marianne Mithun (UC Santa Barbara): What can we learn from layers of contact effects?
Martina Kramarić (Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics) : Medieval Vernacular Translation: Czech-Croatian Literary Contacts and Language Change
Michela Russo & Shanti Ulfsbjorninn (Lyon & Newfoundland): Definite Article Pseudo-Allomorphy in Romanesco (Rome): Insights from the Lex Porena
Brandon Kieffer (Edinburgh): Glide Fortition in the Zambezi Contact Zone
J. Drew Hancock-Mac Tamhais (Bern): The Pre-Verb Stem Domain in Proto-Trans-Mississippian
Aditi Dubey (Australian National University): Investigating the Emphatic Particle in Contact Varieties of Hindi: A Multi-layered Approach
Jana Kozubíková Šandová (South Bohemia in České Budějovice): Orthographic Standardisation in Early Modern Oxford Letters
Valentina Lunardi (UCLA): ‘Semantic Extension’ and Semantic Change: Were Translators of the Old Latin Bible L1 Speakers of Greek?
Jean Rohleder (CNRS-LACITO): Syntactic Change in the North of New Caledonia