The Second Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology featuring the Angus McIntosh Centre for Historical Linguistics plenary speaker will be hosted by the Department of Linguistics and English Language on the 3rd and 4th December, 2015.
One-page abstracts addressing both theoretical and applied issues in historical phonology are invited by 15 June 2015. See the call for papers for details on topics of interest and submission procedures.
The Angus McIntosh Centre for Historical Linguistics’ Plenary Speaker for 2015 is Dr. Ranjan Sen, University of Sheffield. Dr. Sen will address foundational issues in the discipline over two one-hour slots, one on each day of the symposium, and there will be considerable time allocated to discussion.
The event will offer an opportunity to discuss fundamental questions in historical phonology as well as specific analyses of historical data. It will broadly address the question: What do we need to consider in order to understand phonological change and to reconstruct past phonological states?
For more information, visit the symposium’s website, where you will also find details of the call for papers. Any additional questions should be emailed to:
Please note: conference fees are expected to remain relatively low (in the region of £15-20).
Please consider submitting to – or attending – this exciting event!