Dr Molineaux has been awarded a 3-year Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship
The AMC’s Midas Touch strikes again! Our latest congratulations go to Dr Benjamin Molineaux, a member of the AMC’s FITS project, who has won a much-coveted Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship beginning in Spring 2018. This award will allow Ben to continue his work at the AMC, where his focus will shift from Older Scots to the diachrony of Mapudungun, the endangered, ancestral language of the Mapuche people of Chile and Argentina. It is Ben’s intention, first, to build a corpus of linguistic data spanning the 400-year textual record for Mapudungun, then apply the methods and tools developed for FITS in order to recover evidence of phonological variation and change from these data. Ben’s project marks an important milestone for the AMC, as it is the first to go beyond the languages of the British Isles.