From Inglis to Scots Mapping Sounds to Spellings

The FITS project is an AHRC-funded research grant that explores the sound-to-spelling mappings of the earliest localisable texts in the Scots language.
Older Scots is first attested in the late 14th century, when it was mostly referred to as "Inglis". Already, however, the language was distinct from "Suthron", having emerged as a lingua franca of the multilingual Scottish Burghs. See more at "About: Older Scots"
The FITS project uses a technique called "grapho-phonological parsing" to match spellings and sounds in the historical record. Find out more about our goals, data and methods at "About: The FITS Project".

The Project:

From Inglis To Scots (FITS) is an AHRC-funded project that surveys the variation in spelling within the earliest recorded period of Scots.  Our source data is found in A Linguistic Atlas of Older Scots, also developed at Edinburgh.  The project’s objective is to understand Older Scots’ sound system and trace it back, word by word, sound by sound and letter by letter to its sources in the different dialects of Old English, Old Norse and beyond.

What will the FITS corpora do?

The project’s output will be a corpus of forms (here the spelling and sound values of Germanic root-morphemes in LAOS), accompanied by a corpus of changes tracing the attested forms back to their proposed etymological sources.  The two corpora will be linked at various levels and feature a number of searching, cross-referencing, dating, and mapping capabilities.